Dothan Vineyard Church
Have you been water baptized since you have committed your life to Jesus Christ? Or, were you baptized as a child and now you realize it had no meaning? Or, have you been baptized as an adult but went back into a sinful life? If so, why not make the committment to be water bapitized . . . let us know . . . for more info read through the Water Baptism brochure on the "Resources" page. Let us know if you have questions.
Decorating Team
If you enjoy decorating and would like to help from time to time throughout the year Sherry Anderson is getting a decorating team together. No talent necessary. Only a willingness to serve.
As a church family we value the holidays because we value families and we want our church experience to reflect the joy and wonders of the fall and winter holidays. Join the team by contacting Sherry through the church email or office.
AWANA Clubs are every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm till 7:05pm. AWANA is a Bible Based Christian Club whose goal is to ground students in God's Word. For ages Toddler through 12th Grade. Free food is served for the kids at 5:45pm. For more info email us or call our office at 334-671-0093 ext 1.
Small Groups
We offer small group Bible Studies through out the year. Check out the different kinds of home groups and Bible Studies, their locations on our Small Group page. You can also sign up online.
Small groups are a great way to connect, learn from each other and find real Christian support and friendship.
Dress is casual, great childcare at all services, worship is with a band, relevant messages, great atmosphere.
10:30am Worship Service
Excellent Childcare provided.
Life Changing Children's Church during the adult service.
6:00pm - 7:05pm AWANA during school year. Meal for kids at 5:45pm. Adult Small Group Bible Studies 6:00pm. Summer Small Group Break Out Sessions at the church as announced.
living hope outreach center
Volunteers welcome and needed to help.
Donations of canned food and clothes needed.
Monthly financial support or special gifts are needed.
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10am-2pm
309 N. Lena Street, Dothan. 334-671-2376
hospitality ministry
Every Sunday before church our church family operates the gift of hospitality provides a snack time before church. Sign up today and use your gift of hospitality. Sign Up Here.
meal preparation team
We are putting together a team to serve the families in our church meals who have a death in their family or a family member who is sick and/or been through a major surgery.
Patti Harper is the meal coordinator and invites you to be a part of this very important ministry to the church family. You can be on the list by contacting Patti through our church office or church email.