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Vineyard 101 and Water Baptism


VINEYARD 101  --  As announced after church


Vineyard 101 is an introduction to the church, an opportunity to meet Pastor Lyle and Beverly, hear the vision of the church, ask questions, find out how to get involved in the life of the church, and what church membership means.  At the end of the class you will have an opportunity to become a church member if you so choose.


Here is the link to sign up for the next Vineyard 101. Click on arrow.



Vineyard 101 is held right after church on a Sunday as announced.




Water Baptism is an important step in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Below is a link to our water baptismal brochure that will answer questions about how we do water baptism with a short Bible Study.  Also we ask that everyone also watch a short video on water baptism - the link is also below.  Let us know if you have any questions.  We will work with you on a date that is suitable.  We do our water baptisms during a Sunday morning church service.


Water Baptism Brochure


Water Baptism Video


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